الجمعة، 17 أكتوبر 2014

Performing morning prayer after sunrise

Performing morning prayer after sunrise
صلاةالصبح بعد الشروق
What about performing Morning (Fajr) Prayer after sunrise?
The answer:
It's important to perform Fajr prayer before sunrise.
The Messenger of Allah used to pass his daughter Fatima every day on his way to the mosque knocking at her door to perform the Dawn prayer. One day He (P.B.U.H) knocked at her door and went to the mosque, on his way back she was still asleep, he said to her:
"Oh Fatima, why don’t you get up at this hour? Don’t you know that this is the time for distributing sustenance?"
Sustenance is distributed at this hour. Whoever gets up and performs prayer at this hour, he has blessed sustenance. Whoever performs Fajr prayer after sunrise; Aisha wondered and said to the apostle of God about him:
"O Messenger of God, I wonder about someone who performs Fajr after sunrise, How he is provided by his sustenance?
He (P.B.U.H) said:
"He gets his sustenance the same as a disbeliever." This tradition was narrated after A'isha in some references attributed to Imam Ashafe'ey in other words.

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