الخميس، 21 مايو 2015

Migration to God’s sake

The migration by Godspeed from the worldly life and the hereafter to God’s sake
What does it mean? It means the migration of the heart, inside the Intention, it means that
When man intent to do anything in his life,
He does not do it for the sake of worldly life, desire, fame, prominence, or hypocrisy
And he does not do it for rewards or paradise in the Hereafter
But he does it for the sake of Allah
This is the highly ranked meaning of migration mentioned by Allah describing the characteristics of "Ahl Al Suffah” group.
Allah mentioned them and said to His beloved prophet and the chosen about them: “And keep your soul content with those who call on their Lord morning and evening, seeking His Face,” (Surat Al-Kahf, Verse 28)
So, they are seeking God’s countenance; they do everything for the sake of Allah
This is the higher, fuller, and sublime practice of migration.
This is the migration of “Al Afraad” (unique individuals) those who hurried to Allah,
“Hasten you then (at once) to Allah. I am from Him a Warner to you, clear and open!” Surat Azzareyat Verse 50.
So, in the beginning of migration festival days of each year, each one should check, review, and correct his migration intents. Then, he should re-immigrate to Allah.
For instance, in the beginning of each year,
If you just leave one of your bad ethics and do not return to it, then you do the right immigration to Allah
I always say to my brothers and my students to set up an annual schedule of leaving their bad ethics.
For instance, this year I’m planning to leave lying; I take a promise not to lie and never to return to it.
Never to lie in both seriousness and entertainment talk and never to break the promise I had taken on myself
Next year I do the same and so on
One day, you will find yourself as it was said: (keep yourself on the straight path of the chosen-one, then you will be connected in his group)
You will be included in the meaning of: “Muhammad is the apostle of Allah. and those who are with him” Surat Al-Fat’h Verse 29.
But the one who lets himself goes astray without reviewing his ethics, changing his bad habits, or without correcting his intents, he will regret at the end of his life.
He will say while taking his last throes – “ 'Ah! Woe is me! In that I neglected (my duty) towards Allah,” Surat Al-Zumar Verse 56.
So, each one of us should review and check all of his manners, his behaviors, his intents, and his deeds in order to test and measure them by the balance of the apostle of Allah (PBUH).
Mr. Fawzy Mohammed Abou-Zeid

الأربعاء، 18 مارس 2015


البعض يريد أن يساهم فى نشر الإسلام ويريد أن يدافع عن الإسلام ويرد عنه شبهات المنكرين ويدفع عنه تشكيك الحاقدين ولا يدرى كيف يفعل هذا ؟
لكل هؤلاء نقدم: 
كتاب سؤلات غير المسلمين باللغة الإنجليزية

كتاب يرد على أسئلة غير المسلمين ويفند شبهاتهم بالحجج العقلية والأدلة المنطقية التى تقبلها عقولهم وتهضمها فهومهم
الكتاب يرد على خمسين سؤال تقريبا من أسئلة غير المسلمين 
بأسلوب ميسر وعبارات واضحة 
يمكنك أن تساهم بنشر هذا العلم النافع استجابة لقول الحبيب صل الله عليه وسلم ( بلغوا عنى ..) 
يمكنك أن تنشر الكتاب كاملا
أو تنشر كل سؤال وإجابة بشكل منفصل 
فتكون قد ساهمت فى نشر لإسلام والقيام بواجبك نحو دينك وصدقة جارية لك دون أن تتكلف مال ولا جهد حمل الكتاب بالصيغة التى تريد 
تحميل الكتاب متاح مجانا على هذا الرابط

الثلاثاء، 6 يناير 2015

Reading the Holy Qur'an and repeating Athan (the call to prayer)

When I am reading the Qur'an then I hear Athan (the call to prayer), should I stop reading immediately to repeat Athan?
The answer:
When a Muslim hears the call to prayer he should immediately leaves everything and repeats it, even if we are talking or reading the Qur'an, A'isha (may God be pleased with her) said in the famous narration:
"The Messenger of Allah used to talk to us, sit with us and laugh and joke with us, when he hears the call to prayer, he immediately leaves to prayer as if he doesn’t know us and we don’t know him."
She also narrated after the prophet (May the blessing and peace of God be upon him):
"The prophet used to be in the service of his family and if he hears the call to prayer he goes out (to prayer)." Saheeh Al-Bukhary after A'isha.
Why? Because repeating Athan is obligatory, when it is finished we can continue talking. This is a problem we hope every Muslim in all government offices repeat Athan when they hear it, it is just two minutes and after that we can complete talking again because talking is endless 
but we must repeat Athan.

Performing prayer while wearing shoes

Is it permissible to perform prayer while wearing shoes at work? And what about wiping on shoes in ablution?
The answer:
It is permissible to perform prayers while wearing shoes in certain cases and places, if the ground is sandy and absorbs dirt or if it isn't clean but not impure.
The Answer:
It isn't allowed to wipe on shoes. It is allowed to wipe on a splint or on socks but not on 

Reading the Holy Qur'an a lot

What about a woman who always reads the Holy Qur'an?
The answer:
It's ok, what is the harm in that?
But, if she always makes herself busy reading the Qur'an and doing acts of worship, there is one condition; "This worship shouldn’t make you neglect your duties."
If you are an office clerk, you should go to your work in the morning in good condition by taking enough sleep. If you are married, you should care about the rights of your husband as well as the rights of your children.
This incident happened at the time of the prophet (May the blessing and peace of God be upon him): The Messenger of Allah fraternized between Selman and Abu-Darda. Salman visited Abu-Darda and he saw that his wife didn't care about herself, he asked her; "What is the matter?" She said: "Your brother "Abu-Darda" seeks nothing in this life." Abu-Darda came and offered him some food, Salam asked him to eat with him, he said: "I am fasting." He said: "I wouldn't eat unless you eat with me." So Abu-Darda ate with him. At night Abu-Darda awoke to pray, Selman told him to sleep and he slept, he got up again to pray and Selman told him to sleep so he slept. At the last third of night Selman told Abu-Darda to awake and they both performed prayer. Selman told Abu Darda:
"Your Lord has a right towards you. Your soul has a right towards you and your family has a right towards you, so give each one his due right." The prophet came and Abu-Darda told him what had happened, the prophet (May the blessing and peace of God be upon him) said:" Selman is right." Saheeh Al-Bukhary after Awn Ibn-Abi-Johayfa after his father.

Acts of worship and remembrance during monthly period (menstruation)

Remembrances sometimes include verses from the Quran, can a woman read these verses in during her monthly period? And how can a Muslim woman remember her Lord during her period?
The answer:
A woman who is menstruating or bleeding after childbirth mustn't perform these acts of worship: Prayer, fasting, reading the Holy Qur'an even if one verse, touching the Qur'an even with a wrapping or a cover, circumambulating (going round) Ka'ba or going into a mosque.
But she can remember Allah, glorify Him, ask His forgiveness and pray upon the Messenger of Allah (May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). She can say Subhan Allah, Wal-Hamdulellah, Wla Ilaha Illa Allah, Wallahu Akbar (Glory be to God, praise be to God, there is no God but Allah and Allah is the greatest). She can also say: Astaghfero Allah Al-Azeem (I ask Allah The Greatest for His forgiveness). She can repeat the words of Athan (the call to prayer), she can invocate Allah and say legal remembrances and if they contain any verses from the Quran, she can read it by heart not by the tongue. God says about the Holy Quran:
"A book that is not to be touched except by those who are purified." Surat Al-Wake'a, Verse 79.

Secretions during and after purifying from menstruation

It is narrated in Hadith (Tradition) after Umm Salamah (May Allah be pleased with her): "We didn’t use to count the yellowish or turbid discharge after cleanliness." What does this mean? If the blood stops and we wash, then that turbidity comes again can we perform prayers or we have to wash again?
Another Question:
My period comes an hour a day for the first three days then stops for two days and when I wash it comes again but slightly?
The answer:
Islam explains this in details. Every woman knows very well the days of her monthly period and this is from Allah's bounty for them. A monthly period comes according to lunar months because it is the calendar of Islamic law. 
A monthly period begins with yellow secretion (water), and then menses is either brown or black, then it ends with yellow secretion. If the yellow secretion ends, the monthly period is over, but if the blood stops and yellow secretion doesn't come, the blood will come again and it's still your menstruation. If yellow secretion comes, you should wash, and you can fast and perform prayers to Allah. The Prophet (May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said:
"If yellow water comes, a woman should wash and purify." After Umm Salamah (May Allah be pleased with her), Jame's Al-Ahadeeth Wal-Maraseel.
A woman only purifies after the yellow water is over then she can perform prayers to Allah because in this case her monthly period is over. Sometimes red blood comes after that, this indicates that it is bleeding and in this case it is advisable for her to go to a doctor and take medicine.
Many of you say that yellow water sometimes comes again once or twice, here I assure that a believer woman should be prudent and clever, she should know her own monthly period, if her monthly period lasts for three or six days for example.
If her period stops before its usual time, she should know that it will come again, she must complete the regular days of her monthly period and after that she can perform prayers after complete purification.
If her monthly period has been completed and she washes and confirms purification after yellow secretion (water), then yellow water or brownish secretion come again, she shouldn't count on that, she should only wash the place and do ablution for prayer. This is what the 
tradition (Hadith) of Umm Salama means.

Woman calls to prayer

Is it valid for a woman to call to prayer in a group of women and also summon Muslims to line up for prayer?

The answer:
It isn't permissible for a woman to call to prayer or summon Muslims to line up for prayer in a group of men and women. But she can call for starting prayer if she is alone or in 
a group of women.

Radio broadcasting Qur'an at Home

What if the Holy Qur'an channel is left on at home even though there isn't anyone home? This is for more blessing.

The answer:
Its ok, but when you get home, if you want to talk, you should switch the holy Qur'an channel off, because God says:
"When the Qur'an is read, listen to it with attention, and hold your peace: that you may receive Mercy." Surat Al-A'raf, verse 204

Due time of Evening Prayer

What about delaying Evening Prayer until short time before sleeping? And the Hadith (tradition) of the apostle of God which urges us to delay the Evening Prayer:
"If it isn't too difficult to my Ummah (nation - Muslims), I would order them to delay Evening Prayer."

The answer:
The due time of Evening prayer is from the Call of Evening Prayer to midnight, after midnight it becomes a missed prayer.
Most Egyptians especially girls and boys think that they can pray Evening Prayer till Morning Prayer but this isn't true because you can pray Evening Prayer till twelve o'clock but after twelve it becomes a missed prayer.
Due times of prayers are mentioned in the original books of Fiq'h (Islamic jurisprudence) and when the Angel Gabriel came down to the Messenger of God, it is a sound tradition narrated in Al-Bokhary and Muslim's books of Hadith, the prophet (May the blessing and peace of God be upon him) said: 
"The due time of Noon Prayer starts as soon as the sun crosses the meridian until the shadow of man is the same as his original length. The time of Afternoon Prayer extends from this time to sunset (before the sun gets yellowish). The time of Sunset Prayer is from sunset until the end of twilight (the redness which remains in the horizon after the sun sets and lasts until the onset of darkness). The time of Evening Prayer is until mid night (twelve o'clock at night). The time for Morning Prayer starts from true dawn, which occurs in the east when the light first appears from darkness of night and extends until sunrise." Narrated by Al-Bokhary and Muslim after Abdullah Ibn-Amr.
These are the due times set by God and revealed to the apostle of God (May the blessing and peace of God be upon him) by Gabriel. The Messenger of God (May the blessing and peace of God be upon him) said:
"If it isn't too difficult to my Ummah, I would order them to delay Evening Prayer." Sonan Abi-Dawood after abu-Horayra.
The Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H) wants us to follow his guidance. He used to sleep after the Evening Prayer so that his last work is the obedience to God. He (May the blessing and peace of God be upon him) wants us to follow him and our last work before sleeping is the obedience to God.
But, what we do today?
We pray the Evening Prayer and sit with each other talking bad and untrue things, backbites, slander about people and other things and after that we sleep so we see bad horrific dreams and nightmares because we didn't sleep after obedience to God, so he (May the blessing and peace of God be upon him) told us it is better to sleep after obedience to God. 
Now we perform the Evening Prayer at its due time and delay Shaf' and Wetr until we are going to sleep, when we want to sleep we do ablution, perform Shaf' and Wetr and then go to bed at once.
My advice is to remember God, ask His Forgiveness and bless upon the Messenger of God (P.B.U.H) when you want to sleep so that you can sleep with obedience to God and I announce good news to you as it was narrated: 
"Whoever sleeps remembering God is considered staying up and remembering God all his night and when he wakes up, Angels say to him: Invoke Allah because you have acceptable invocation"
Whoever doesn’t like to be considered staying up and remembering God all night?

Wearing socks to perform prayers

What about wearing socks in prayer for ladies?
The answer:
It is important to wear socks if she performs prayer in a place where others can see her. If she performs prayer in a special place for women or a place where no one sees her except her maharem (near relatives with whom it is unlawful for her to marry), it is allowed to perform prayer without socks. If she is in a family house, she must enter her room or enter a room and close the door so that no one sees her except her maharem, and she can perform prayer without socks.
As for going out of house, if clothes cover all the body and feet, there is no problem, but it is important not to show her feet because it isn't permissible for a woman to show anything from her body except face and hands. Islam orders woman to cover her feet. In virtuous ages women used to wear long clothes which covered feet and they didn’t have any problem as clothes covered 