الجمعة، 17 أكتوبر 2014

Delaying re-fasting the days of Ramadan

A woman gave birth in Ramadan and fasted some days and still some days and then next Ramadan comes and she didn't fast all the days. Is it correct to pay Fedya (feeding poor people or giving them money instead of fasting) now?
Another Question:
What if a Muslim woman or girl hasn't yet fasted all her missed days from last Ramadan and the next Ramadan comes? 
The answer:
If one has missed days from former Ramadan, for example five days or more or less and the next Ramadan comes, and she didn't fast her missed days, here, she must pay ransom for each day of those missed days and also must fast all her missed days at the same time… why?
To take care after that, she must fast her remaining days (days of her period or her menstruation) before next Ramadan. Her missed days for example can be five or six days, she can fast one day monthly till she ends them before the next Ramadan even if they were ten days and she fasts one day monthly, she will end them before the next Ramadan. But as she was lazy and didn't care until the next Ramadan comes, we tell her that she must pay a fine this is ransom (fedya). 
Ransom is like fast-breaking Zakat (zakat el fetr), and like zakat that we pay for one who is unable to fast. If zakat is three pounds, she must pay three pounds for each day and if zakat is five pounds, she must pay five pounds for each day and so on, because she delayed in fasting her missed days so she must pay her ransom and be attentive so as not to delay it again and try to fast all her missed days before the next Ramadan.
As we said before, she must fast all her missed days quickly after Ramadan to be acquitted from being guilty to God The Almighty because it is a debt and Allah's debt must firstly paid.
What if she died?
The answer:
Here, it depends on the intention. The prophet (P.B.U.H) said: "Whoever dies and has been in debt and God knows that he wanted to repay it, he will not be punished by God or asked about it."
Another interposition:
Is it the same with money?
The answer:
Yes, money or others, for example: A woman went to her neighbor and said: "Give me twenty pounds." She intends and wants to repay it. If she dies, God would repay her debt. If she took the money and she doesn't want to repay it and she dies, she is like a thief. Religion depends on the intention: If she wants to re-fast her missed days God would not punish her.

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