الجمعة، 22 نوفمبر 2013

spiritual health

 spiritual health

the man has two aspects: One physical and the other spiritual. His growth in both these directionsshould be balanced.
 If he pays his attention only to his soul and forgets his body,
 he will become weak 
and will feel run down.
 He will not only be deprived of physical fitness and material pleasures, but will also be left with no conveyance at his disposal for making the spiritual journey. With feeble body there is very little chance of his soaring very high spiritually.In the same way a man, whose entire life is devoted to eati,drinking and merry‑making is left with no scope for the manifestation of his humanity.
He cannot rise above
the level of the quadrupeds.
There are certain ways and means of attaining develop­ment both materially and spiritually.
One should identify them and keeping them in view, should chalk out a program of his life so that his development may not cease or become imbalanced. For hisphysical development man needs a variety 
of food factors and vitamins within a certain limit. Our excessive consumption of only one kind of food is as injurious to our health as the under‑consump­tion of any food factor.
For the maintenance of health it is necessary to be active and
diligent. Inactivity and sluggishness enfeeble the body.
 At the same time rest is also necessary. Incessant hardwork ruins one's health just as lethargy and prolonged idleness make him dull.
The same is true of spiritual development. Compassion and sympathy are the requisite qualities of man. One must be sensitive to the hardships of others and should always be ready to help them.But his sympathy must not be so excessive as to prevent one from punishing a traitor
or giving a blow to the enemy.
To look at things from all angles is one of the most important features of Islam.
It calls for all that helps in the all‑round development of man and forbids all that hampers such 
 That is why the Islamic morals have a constructive role and ensure complete spiritual health.

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