الاثنين، 30 ديسمبر 2013

Secondly: How can I chasten or fight my soul?

Secondly: How can I chasten 
or fight my soul?

Allah mentioned in His Koran, the prophet mentioned in his Sunna and righteous people mentioned in their chastening the means that help man to fight his soul until he finishes this fight so quickly, because man's age is short and what he is asked to do is something great and the soul dodges and quibbles man, if he gets it in a place, it goes to another, it has hidden traps even for great righteous men, so Imam Abul-Aza'em said:
"Fighting the soul never stops even for perfect righteous men until the last breath in this life."
Beware not to think that you finished fighting the soul, because this thought itself is a trick by the soul, it stops your way to Allah totally, but fighting and chastening it is something continuous and never to stop, Allah says:
"You shall strive for the cause of GOD as you should strive for His cause." (Surat Al-Hajj, verse 78)
How should I strive? They asked a righteous man: "What should we do to reach Allah?" he said:
"Oh you, who seeks the meaning of our beauty, our dowry is expensive for those who seek us."
The dowry is:
"Gaunt body, lovesick organs and sleepless eyes."
The body is always in striving, the soul is always in fight and the eyes are sleepless. Imam Abul-Aza'em came late at night in the month of Ramadan, he said to his brothers: "Come with me to visit our sir Al-Hussein." They saw some cafes and people staying up there and not leave until after dawn, he said to his brothers: "If people who content their desires and follow Satan sleep after dawn, what about that who wants to content The Most Gracious, what should he do and how does he sleep?"
He said: "How does a beloved sleep while his lover wants him to stay up?"
Once when he was in Hajj, he saw some brothers fell asleep, he said to them: "Come  lets go round Ka'ba." His own servant sheikh Ahmed As-Sobky was with them, he said to him:
"Ahmed As-Sobky, you sleep and say you love us, the sleep of people of adjacency while they are very near is unlawful."
He said this to him to encourage him to strive, this strive doesn’t finish until the heart is clean of places and people and all photos that forbid him from Allah, and then he lives the life of pious people, he sleeps like adorers, even when he is awoke he is like enamored, he is always with Allah, such person has finished.
But that who still does good and bad deeds, he must continue to strive. What will help you in this strive? Righteous people explained this:
The soul only controls man and directs him when he is always with people and if he is careful about its needs and desires like food, drink, coital, clothing, belongings, furniture and talk, the soul naturally tend to vice as we mentioned before.
The beginning of chastening for those who want adjacency from Allah is to fight the souls inside you, i.e. jihad is inside you yourself. Imam Abul-Aza'em said: "Fight the souls inside you by the noble Sharia." I.e. by the medial Sharia that comes to you by righteous people and leaders of pious people and never follow those who are odd (extremists), those who open abandoned parts of Sharia, but be medial and follow the way of Mohammed, as Allah says:
"We thus made you an impartial community."
(Surat Al-Bakarah, verse 143)
So, Imam Abul-Aza'em also said: "Be medial oh you who ask for nearness."
We follow the way of medial.
Lets talk briefly about the field of fighting the soul and how could man fight it? The means and aids that help man in this strive to reach his goal.

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