الأربعاء، 21 مايو 2014

Why is Islam among all other religions exposed to wars and distortion?

As human soul always tend to contradiction, denial and stubbornness, and it never leaves this unless the light of belief shines on it and it is guided to the religion of God. We see this in our lives, we see everyone who believes deals with others peacefully, he never does anything wrong or harm anyone, but those who frighten people by different crimes such as blood shed, robberies, rapes, cheat and others, such people have no feelings and their souls became dark as they are not guided to the light of belief.
So we see as Islam is the true religion and as Muslims are truthful and they fear God and obey Him, they never to cause any harm or evil or distress to any of God’s creatures, but we see disbelievers, atheists, those people of manned religions, those of heavenly religions but they changed and distorted their religions, those who worship Satan and those who only seek this life, they all gather and collect against Islam because it is the only religion that obstacle and stops their desires and their low aims in this life so they declare war against Islam and they make it a violent war to destroy Islam. As they failed to destroy Islam themselves though they are humanly devils, they do their best to set war, sedition, riots and separation among Muslims, they even encourage wars among them to part them and make them destroy themselves, then they can easily destroy Islam wholly.
Look at humanity, you never see any religion stops the soul from its desires such as adultery, drinking alcohol, illegal enjoyments and doing sins and prevents them all except Islam.
By God, will those who follow their desires and enjoy all kinds of sins love Islam? They usually don’t like advisers, guiders to the right path or those who prevent their wishes and desires, if man desires a worldly wish and anything stops him to do it either a human or anything, he can be so raged that he might kill that human or get rid of this obstacle in order to get his desire. This is what made the Jews unite the people of Europe, America and others, though they have different aims, to collect together to dominate and control Muslims and try to destroy them or to separate them or weaken them, but God will disappoint them all at the end as He says:
“Their intention is to extinguish Allah’s Light (by blowing) with their mouths: But Allah will complete (the revelation of) His Light, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it).”
Surat Assaff, Verse 8.

Islam is religion of peace  

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