الأحد، 16 أبريل 2017

Why doesn't Islam allow a husband to have sexual relation with his wife during menstruation?

Why doesn't Islam allow a husband to have sexual relation with his wife during menstruation?
Islam does not allow a husband to have a sexual relation with his wife during her period for many reasons, such as:
1-At that time the uterus is loose and flabby, it does not afford excitement, so doing sex lead to more laceration and pains and might lead to sterility.
2-Man gets disgusted when he sees woman and her uterus at such case, so he might hate to do sex altogether.
3-At such case, a woman is psychologically not well; doing sex needs both spouses to be well and psychologically stabled so as not to cause any mental shakes or abnormal situation.
4-Some of the blood of menstruation might get into man's penis; this can lead to different diseases mentioned in medical and scientific books.
For all these and other reasons, Islam prohibits doing sex with wife during her menstruation.

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