الخميس، 27 مارس 2014

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said

“If you placed your trust in Allah [God] as He should be relied on, He would provide for you as He provides for birds. They go out hungry in the early morning, and return full in the evening." 
Prophet Muhammad
[Source: Tirmidhi]
“Once there was a dog moving around a well, suffering from thirst so much that he was nearly dying. Then, a prostitute from among the Children of Israel happened to see him, so she drew water in her shoe and made him drink. Because of this act, Allah [God] forgave her." 
- Prophet Muhammad . 
[Source: Sahih Muslim]
“Whenever a believer privately prays for his believing brother, God will appoint an angel to pray for him and say: “You will also get whatever you asked for your believing brother.”"
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Source: Sahih Muslim
Remember to keep your brothers and sisters of this Ummah in your prayers!
“Shall I tell you something that will make your palaces in Paradise higher and that would raise you in degrees? To be forgiving and to control one’s self in the face of someone provoking you, to forgive a person who was unfair or unjust to you, to give to someone in need who did not give you when you were in need, and to keep contact with someone even though it was not reciprocated.”
- Prophet Muhammad. [Tabarani]

"Good and evil deeds are not equal. Replace evil deeds with virtuous ones and you will certainly find your enemy becomes an intimate friend." God [Quran 41:34]

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