الخميس، 3 أكتوبر 2013

Actual worship of the doctor and the merchant and farmer

Let your work to be worship

The actual worship ordered by the religion of Allah is to make their deeds agree with the book of Allah as we said before, every believer should follow the book of Allah in his work and in his profession, let's have some examples to make clear and approach this meaning:
As for the doctor:
After performing his Fara'Ed, he should only master his work and become sincere to Allah in it. Should he stay up nights with patients to bandage their wounds and lessen their pains or let them suffer pains and recite the Koran? The Koran itself ordered him to work with these people, which is urgent, to give a charity or to give a patient an injection to lessen his pains? He should give an injection to a patient to lessen his pains; he shouldn't study the branches of religion and differ with his companions about marginal and legitimate matters in the book of Allah. He should discuss with them the newest things in medicine to suffice Muslims in order not to go to European countries for treatment and make Muslims not need to go to those foreigners who dominate us.
As for a merchant or a seller:
They shouldn't be careful only to recite the book of Allah or to perform pilgrimage and Omrah every year, but he should be careful to get the good goods that not harm Muslims without deceit by the cheapest prices, if he did this, the prophet pleases him and says to him:
"The truthful honest merchant will be with prophets, Seddeekeen (veracious people) and Al-Shohadaa (martyrs) at the Day of Judgment." 
He is like this in his trade and in all matters.
As for farmers and landlords:
As they knew with other Muslims that the knowledge of mission and prophecy is the knowledge of life they should apply this in their field to say that this is what Allah ordered us:
To cultivate the land, discover and revive it by hard work not by wishes, dreams, suspicion and delusion in minds.
To take the good guidance from the companions of the prophet (May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), they reached the top in this, they used to discover things and the prophet used to test them, once they were taking pollen from male palm trees to put it on female ones, the prophet (May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) asked them: "What are you doing?" They said: "We are pollinating palm trees." Because Allah said in His book:
"And We send the winds fertilizing," (Surat Al-Hejr, verse 22)
The wind helps in the process of pollination, if it is not enough, then man interferes by his machines or his hand to complete the deed of the wind to have the good ripen fruit as provision from Allah for believers males and females.
They should fear Allah in using seeds, fertilizers, ways of cultivation and ways of pest resistance, they only use effective substances that were proved not harmful either upon short or long range for people, animals or even the ground itself. They only produce good yields for people; they don't cause the prevalence of diseases and cancers which attacked the nation because of cheating in agriculture, fertilizers, insecticides and chemicals.

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