الخميس، 27 فبراير 2014

Immortal souls

Immortal souls always preserve their vitality, and in every season, they show a different sign of life. They never wither or fade away; they never lose their vigor. Neither the setting sun or the fading moon, nor the passing days and nights, exhaust them. How can they possibly tire when the immutable source of their life and energy comes from the pot from which Khidr drank the elixir of life?[1] In this climate, for those who set sail to explore their true nature, every spring is effervescent and magnificent, and every summer peaks in delight; every fall and winter are seasons of stirring challenge that prepare them for thrilling new leaps. Even if all sorts of terror lurk around them, these souls will always be robust and vigilant, and their exhilarating ethos will always emanate sublime sensations.

These exalted souls are lovers with angels; they always stand their position, even in the case of possible devastation, collapse, or resentment. They carry out their duties only to please God. They deem themselves responsible towards the community in which they live. They are neither grieved by the disturbance of their work or the disruption of their plans, nor do they panic in the face of dangers descended over their community. Above all, they never fall into despair.

They are patient and skilled, and strong and determined in their relations with others. They prepare and build radiant kiosks, silently but vigilantly, and they wait for their guests. Whoever enters their atmosphere can feel as if they met Khidr, and whoever intermingles and sympathizes with them attains true happiness.

Brightness can be seen in their faces, wisdom in their thoughts, and truth in their speech. Those who enter their private spiritual space burdened with pessimism and hopelessness leave lightened with faith and hope, having acquired the secret to everlasting existence.

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